Monday 12 February 2018 -
21:00 to 22:30

The Merry Wives of William is a funny and surreal English-style comedy, combining a funny plot with brilliant Anglo-Saxon spirit and scenes, characters and texts inspired by Shakespeare's Sonnets and the contemporary musical language, with three musician-actresses.

In The Merry Wives of William, three widows meet at the anniversary of the death of their beloved. The fate make them meet during a tragic moment: they are crying their missing love and they are willing to suicide. However, the story takes an unexpected turn when they discover that they do not only have a common heart pain: they are crying for the same man, William!

Joking on the name of one of the most known Shakespeare's comedies, Laura Pasetti mises-en-scène an experimental show mixing theatre and music, merging the Shakespeare's sixth century language with the contemporary-classical music one, in a strong combination of comedy with Anglo-Saxon spirit and instrumental virtuosity.

Book your ticket using this code: "BRITISHMERRYWIVES" and get a better price!

The performance is in English.

Info e prenotazioni:
tel: 0687606075


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