"Palcoscenici Superiori", the theatre festival organised by Teatro Telaio and dedicated to the Istituti Superiori, will present Brexit.
A father and a son debate on their stance on the vote. They are united in blood but divided in spirit as they are called to decide on their personal future and the one of their country. Charles is a self-made businessman working in advertising and his son Eric is a young man aspiring to become a mime artist. For both of them the issue at stake in this vote is 'freedom'.
Charles is a 'leaver', for him freedom lies outside of the EU, which he sees as a cage threatening British independence. Eric is a 'remainer', and for him freedom resides instead in the scope of possibilities open to him by staying in the EU. The two characters argue their respective position while digressing on the essence what being British and European really means to them. The debate turns from surreal to grotesque, from bitter to absurd, until both of them cast their vote… and wait for the outcome of the referendum.
A small metaphor of the battle between the "leavers" and "remainers", which is still inflaming the United Kingdom today.
Genre: Comic-theatre with physical and clowning elements
Target Audience: 15+ years and adult-learners of English at B1 proficiency level.
Duration: 60 minutes + around 20 minutes of allocated time for Q&A session with the actors
Admission Ticket: 10 euro
Reservation: Teatro Telaio 030/46535 ufficioscuole@teatrotelaio.it