Book Club in English
Our Book Club in English, in collaboration with La Feltrinelli, Via Manzoni, 12 - Milano.
Our Book Club in English, in collaboration with La Feltrinelli, Via Manzoni, 12 - Milano.
Seminar for teachers.
For primary school children there is a summer camp at the Centro Sportivo San Carlo, Corso Magenta 71, Milan, in addition to English you can also add on an afternoon of s
Un incontro in lingua inglese, dedicato a coloro cha hanno un livello di inglese avanzati, a ingresso gratuito, mercoledì 16 aprile, ore 8.30-9.15 presso la nostra sede di Via Manzoni 38,
Songs of Spring
Developing fun activities to motivate young learners to write (a repeat of the seminar held on 8th February)
The British Council organises summer courses for children in Milan. Join our lunch time presentation to know more.