
c British Council

Wednesday 18 January 2017 -
08:15 to 09:00
British Council, Milan

Un incontro in lingua inglese, dedicato a coloro cha hanno un livello di inglese avanzato, a ingresso gratuito.

Giovedì 18 gennaio, ore 8.15-9.00

presso la nostra sede di Via Manzoni 38, Milano.

Per iniziare al meglio la giornata, facendo colazione e chiacchierando con noi in inglese.

L'appuntamento di gennaio è intitolato:  

“A look back at 2016 - a year to remember. Will 2017 be just as eventful?”

2016 was a year full of surprises … Who could have predicted the highs and lows we all experienced. In this Business Breakfast, we'll kick off the New Year with a look back at the key events of 2016. We'll then look forward - what does 2017 have in store? Are you brave enough to make any predictions for 2017?

Caroline Jordan

Caroline studied Languages and Politics at Birmingham University and Università di Bologna. She started her career in Publishing in London in 2008 where she worked for Pearson Education, on Business and Professional Development books. She moved to Milan in 2010 and trained as an English Language Teacher. Over the last 6 years, primarily based in Milan, Caroline has combined the two careers of Publishing and Education, working for both the British Council and Publishing companies in the UK and Italy.

Ingresso gratuito con prenotazione obbligatoria.


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