Thursday 20 November 2014 -
08:30 to 09:15
British Council, Milan

Un incontro in lingua inglese, dedicato a coloro cha hanno un livello di inglese avanzato, a ingresso gratuito, con prenotazione obbligatoria.

Per iniziare al meglio la giornata, facendo colazione e chiacchierando con noi in inglese.

L'appuntamento di novembre è dedicato al tema: "Green Car Go"

Global automakers are under pressure from regulators and governments to develop cars that emit fewer noxious fumes. Their efforts have produced a number of solutions, one of which is the electric car. But vehicles that use technology that is different from the internal combustion engine still have difficulty attracting drivers. 

Guest Speaker: 

Gilles Castonguay is a freelance journalist based in Milan. He previously worked for The Wall Street Journal and Thomson Reuters, covering corporate news, especially in the auto industry. A Canadian, he has lived in Italy for eight years. 

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