Thursday 29 June 2017 -
08:15 to 09:00

Un incontro in lingua inglese, dedicato a coloro cha hanno un livello di inglese avanzato, a ingresso gratuito.

Thursday 29th June - 08.15 – 09.00

presso la nostra sede di Via Manzoni 38, Milano.

Per iniziare al meglio la giornata, facendo colazione e chiacchierando con noi in inglese.

L'appuntamento di giugno è intitolato:

Influencers & Instagram: A brand's ideal match?

What exactly is an influencer and what do they do? Why has instagram become such a hit over other social networks? Why are big brands attracted to both phenomena? And is the honeymoon already over for this marketing dream? In this session, we’ll discuss social network usage and trends and consider how they impact consumers' lives. 

Held by: Clare Burke

Clare studied German & Italian at Manchester Metropolitan University, PH Heidelberg and Università della Tuscia. She has taught English for ten years in the UK, Poland and Italy, where she has specialised in the teaching of Business English. Her experience with various company departments, together with rejecting her TV in favour of blogs, vlogs and podcasts, has led to a keen interest in how social media is being optimised by brands.

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