Thursday 08 March 2018 - 00:00 to Saturday 10 March 2018 - 00:00

Workshops, conference sessions and discussions on the importance of foreign languages. An opportunity to meet and talk to colleagues involved in language teaching as well as the leading educational publishers.

British Council will be there with a stand in the exhibition area and available to give information on our exams and teaching services

Teacher Trainer, Clare Burke will run a workshop on Saturday 10th March from 14.00 to 14.45 on Re-working Assessment through Rubrics
: The rise of CLIL teaching is pushing us to address the way we assess our learners. We are moving away from marking grammar tests and assessing the many features of writing and speaking. With so much to assess, where do we start? How can we make it efficient? In this workshop we will look at how we can use rubrics for assessing learners and even introduce peer assessment into the classroom.