Wednesday 10 October 2018 -
15:00 to 18:00

Part of the international programme of the Being Human Festival of the Humanities 2018 ‘Origins and Endings’

The beginning of a journey, whether sought out or involuntary, is what captures the imagination of narrators, ancient and modern: the excitement or trauma of leaving, the welcome or hostile encounter at the landing place. More difficult to trace historically, materially and in the now, is the end point of a journey, especially for those who are displaced. What endings are imagined at the start – a return, a new home, an exploration?

Journeys Without End will bring together writers, historians, archaeologists, artists, practitioners, politicians and those who work directly on the borders cross-cutting the routeways. Through three interactive panels we focus on the beginnings for which journeys are needed; expose the condition of wandering in its modern guise; and address the urgency for a wider spectrum of imagined endings.

Three panel sessions will be chaired by Stephen Milner (BSR Director), Derek Duncan (Professor of Italian, University of St Andrews), and Charles Tripp (Professor of Politics, SOAS).

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Sarah Churchwell, Chair in Public Understanding of the Humanities, School of Advanced Study
  • Catrin Webster, Lecturer in Art and Design, University of Wales
  • Benedetta Carpi de Resmini, Independent Curator and Founder of Magic Carpets
  • Zena Kamash, Senior Lecturer in Roman Art & Archaeology, Royal Holloway
  • Alice Kettle, artist and Research Associate Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Elena Isayev, Professor of Ancient History and Place, University of Exeter
  • Oli Mould, Lecturer in Human Geography, Royal Holloway

 Sponsored by the School of Advanced Study, University of London, AHRC and British Academy. Co-organised by Elena Isayev (Exeter).

Part of the UK-Italy: Partners for Culture 2018.


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UK/Italy Partners for Culture