seminar on dynamic teaching
Saturday 26 October 2019 -
17:00 to 19:00

Refreshing, refocusing and learning

In order to learn well, scuola media students need to move from the static to the dynamic and just enjoy a few minutes’ playful moving, laughing, chanting or singing. Simple actions which promote more learning of a more productive nature. This highly interactive and fun seminar will be looking at a variety of energisers – real life games and activities that work well throughout the school day, helping students to release tension and become more attentive. You will use these activities every day!

The seminar is directed at in-service scuola media teachers.

Elisa Turri, Istituto Comprensivo “GA Bossi”, Busto Arsizio (VA)

The seminars are free of charge. Booking required.

British Council, Ente accreditato dal MIUR per la formazione con DM 170 del 21/3/2016, art 1, comma 5

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