Friday 24 February 2017 -
10:00 to 13:00

Supporting your students applying to UK universities through UCAS, a Seminar for advisers and counsellors.

James Durant and Samantha Sykes from UCAS’ Professional Development team will provide a bespoke training session for advisers and counsellors on the UCAS application system.

This training has been designed to help introduce you to the world of UCAS and applications to UK higher education, by providing you with an easy to digest, hands-on and interactive understanding of relevant practices, processes, key dates and resources.

In particular, you will:

  • Discover how to become a registered UCAS centre and access adviser guides, resources and tools on
  • Identify key dates and stages in the application process and recognise when applicants may need unique or additional support.
  • Examine successful techniques to support the development of effective personal statements.
  • Explore practical approaches and good practice in writing UCAS references.
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