We want to build mutually beneficial relationships for teachers working in Italian schools and to cover English Language Teaching issues from an international context to the situations teachers may face in their schools on a daily basis. We support teacher development by working in partnership with educational organisations and other partners.
Drawing from our resource of highly-experienced teachers and teacher trainers, we run free seminars and workshops offering practical and up-to-date input on a wide range of teaching skills and methodology, as well as events dealing with more culturally-based topics.
The world of ELT (English Language Teaching) and schools is in constant evolution and we are dealing with an ever-younger and ever-more technologically competent student base. To reflect this, our current focus is on delivering workshops on topics such as mobile learning and the incorporation of ICT into language learning as well as new methodologies for teaching and motivating very young learners.
In line with the evolving needs of the Italian school system, we also offer seminars delivered by specialists introducing teachers to the areas of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) and SEN (Special Education Needs).
In addition to these topics, we continue to run fun, practical sessions on dealing with more ‘traditional’ topics such as pronunciation and vocabulary and we run many seminars around Exams and qualifications.
For teachers keen on broadening their awareness of British cultural issues, we also offer seminars on topics ranging from Shakespeare to UK contemporary writers, from Margaret Thatcher and 20th century politics to the British State School system.