Seminar: "Her Majesty, the Queen"
An overview of the portraits of the three great queens who dominated and gave identity to the exceptionally long periods of their reigns - Elizabeth I, Victoria and Elizabeth II.
An overview of the portraits of the three great queens who dominated and gave identity to the exceptionally long periods of their reigns - Elizabeth I, Victoria and Elizabeth II.
This seminar will present John McGregor’s Reservoir 13 and Nicola Lagioia’s La ferocia, comparing the two novels and discussing their narrative strategies and strengths.
Un breve incontro dimostrativo, e una presentazione dei nostri corsi estivi di inglese per la scuola media e superiore.
Hartpury welcomes you to explore opportunities to study in the UK with them.
Un workshop formativo di una giornata è rivolto a professionisti che hanno la necessità di praticare e migliorare le loro abilità di presentare in pubblico.
This seminar exploits the narratives immortalized in a number of celebrated 19th-century paintings, to help teachers enhance their students’ power of observation ...
A journey back to "The Waste Land", revisiting the angoisse of that monument to Modernism.
British Pop Music seems to have such a British sound that influence from abroad is often overlooked ...
Flowers/herbs in Shakespeare’s works and the meanings they conveyed to the Elizabethans, a May Dance demonstration and ides for a CLIL like approach ...
Il British Council sarà presente al Salone dello Studente di Milano, manifestazione di orientamento formativo e professionale rivolta agli studenti in uscita dalla scuola superiore.