The British Council is the UK's organisation for the promotion of cultural relations and educational opportunities.
We have been present in Italy for almost 80 years with teaching, assessment and cultural relations activities.
At Scuola Maria Rosa Zangara (zona Boccea) we organise Learning Time with Timmy courses, for children between the ages of 3 and 5 and Primary Plus courses, for children ages 6 to 10.
We also offer courses in the following locations in Rome.
Viale della Scultura 15 - at Highland's Institute (Primary and Secondary)
Via Marcantonio Colonna, 21 - at St. John's University (Secondary)
Via G.B. de Rossi 48 - at Iunior International Institute (Primary and Secondary)
Via Pavia, 23 - at Petranova International Institute (Learning Time with Timmy)