Fragile Body - Material Body
The III Venice International Performance Art Week concludes the trilogy project following the first two editions Hybrid Body – Poetic Body and Ritual Body – Political Body that took place in December 2012 and in December 2014. The subject of this edition is: Fragile Body – Material Body.
The live art exhibition project dedicated to contemporary performance art showcases in its third edition works of over 80 international performance artists from around the globe, some of which are presented in cooperation with prestigious cultural institutions and foundations. Pioneers of this art discipline exhibit and perform alongside established and emerging artists, reflecting influences and current tendencies in the field.
Artists present include:
Ria Hartley, (works by) Mona Hatoum
Live Program
Nathalie Anguezomo Mba Bikoro, Kris Canavan, Jamie Lewis Hadley, Martin O'Brien, Alicia Radage.
Admission at the Venice International Performance Art Week is free.
The project is sustained by British Council.