Amleto, Ninni Bruschetta - Teatro VE
Amleto @ Teatro Vittorio Emanuele ©

Teatro Vittorio Emanuele

Friday 26 February 2016 - 21:00 to Sunday 28 February 2016 - 17:30

The Hamlet Ninni Bruschetta stages is a result of the clear desire of the director to propose a faithful reading of the work of Shakespeare, and, to make the intent immediately clear, the title of the play is: Hamlet, by William Shakespeare.

This work offers another opportunity to reflect on the major issues of all times: questions about life and death, truth and lies, desire for justice and revenge; about the role of chance; the real or illusory power of will ...

This production is linked to a – free - workshop dedicated to 14-18 yrs old students, which aims to involve young people with theatre and the world around it.


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