Festival Equilibrio 2015 ©

Festival Equilibrio

Saturday 07 February 2015 - 00:00 to Thursday 26 February 2015 - 00:00
Auditorium Parco della Musica, Roma

The eleventh edition of Festival Equilibrio brings together, once again, incredible performances of dance and theatre from around the world. This year, many British artists have been invited to this prestigious event. Below, you will find all the names, and information about their performances and about the Festival itself.

DV8, John

JOHN DV8 Physical Theatre - 13/14 febbraio

Lloyd Newson e il suo collettivoDV8 presentano John, avvincente spettacolo di teatro-danza in cui la parola assume peso accanto al corpo e al movimento, con uno stile documentaristico e un uso raffinato della tecnologia. Il teatro-danza di DV8 è interessanto a tematiche socio-politiche: John è un progetto esplosivo, che racconta storie di vita vera, in cui il movimento e la parola parlata si combinano per creare un’esperienza teatrale intensa, toccante e coinvolgente.


LOL, Lots of Love PROTEIN DANCE - 20/21 febbraio

LOL (lots of love) è un’acuta, ironica e travolgente riflessione sulle relazioni umane al tempo di internet e della comunicazione virtuale. Con questa creazione, acclamata da pubblico e critica, Luca Silvestrini e la sua compagnia Protein raggiungono i vertici di un teatro-danza intenso e spiritoso, ispirato ai rapporti interpersonali e a situazioni ed esperienze della vita quotidiana.

Scottish Dance Theatre, Damien Jalet

YAMA Scottish Dance Theatre - 23rd February

The Scottish Dance Theatre presents Damien Jalet’s critically acclaimed YAMA. It explores the mythology associated with mountains inspired by the pagan and animist rituals practised among the mountains of Tohoku, Japan. Created with the dancers of Scottish Dance Theatre YAMA is an awe-inspiring piece that gathers energy as it grows with echoes of shamanic strangeness. Jalet’s hypnotic choreography, and the tangled ensemble of exceptional dancers leaves its tingle and stain under the skin.

Sylvie Guillem


After an unparalleled career of both dancing ballet and contemporary work, Sylvie Guillem presents her final dance programme. For this very special programme, Life in Progress, she will dance two new works including a solo with live musicians on stage, by  choreographer Akram Khan. The second will be a pas de deux with Italian dancer Emanuela Montanari, by choreographer Russell Maliphant. The performance will also include Mats Ek's touching and poignant Bye, made especially for her.

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Performing Arts