Going Global 2020
Monday 01 June 2020 - 00:00 to Monday 29 June 2020 - 00:00

We are excited to announce that, in the absence of a Going Global conference this year, we are offering a digital alternative so that leaders and future leaders can continue the conversation around internationalising higher education. Together we will explore this year's theme: Global learners, global innovation.

You are invited to participate in a host of events throughout the month of June, completely free of charge, which include:

  • live interactive events with sector leaders;
  • webinars delivered by our partners;
  • blog posts from our contributors;
  • a poster gallery, featuring posters from our partners and contributors, which showcase the latest news and insights from the HE sector.

Visit our website to find out more about our programme. All live events and webinars will be recorded and shared on our website.

Join the conversation on social media too by using hashtags #GoingGlobal2020, #CultureConnectsUs and #WeBelieveInEducation. Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date with all the latest news.

We look forward to seeing you online!


The conference provides a unique platform for knowledge sharing.

  • Connecting local, national, regional and global agendas;
  • Providing a global network for policy makers and practitioners working in the field of international education;
  • Supporting evidence led policy decisions deriving from research and regional policy dialogues;
  • Supporting global thought leadership.


Global learners, global innovation

Going Global 2020 focuses on the global learner of the future, their journey to becoming a global innovator and how this shapes global learning institutions. Find out more here: https://www.britishcouncil.org/going-global/themes

Who should attend?

If you are a university or college vice-chancellor, president or principal, an adviser, minister or government representative, journalist or policy and strategy maker, or a professional and trade body working in international education, then we look forward to seeing you there.

Key dates

See our programme of live events here.  

Follow us

Follow all the latest Going Global 2020 news on Twitter – @HEGoingGlobal  – and join the converstaion using #GoingGlobal2020.