Widely acclaimed singer Ian Bostridge, one of the greatest Lieder interpreters, and eminent pianist Julius Drake will be at the Aula Magna of the Università La Sapienza, to present works by Schumann, Sinigaglia, Schubert and, for the first time in its complete version, "The Heart of the Matter", by Benjamin Britten. The concert will be a great opportunity to listen to rare pieces for horn and piano, with the presence of Alessio Allegrini, principal horn and soloist of the Santa Cecilia National Orchestra.
Schumann Liederkreis op. 24
Sinigaglia Lied e Humoreske
Schubert Auf dem Strom in mi maggiore D 943
Schubert Selezione di Lieder
Frühlingssehnsucht – Kriegers Ahnung – Ständchen – Abschied
Schumann Adagio e Allegro in la bemolle maggiore op. 70
Britten The Heart of the Matter *
*first Italian performance in its complete version: work for tenor, horn and piano