Friday 09 May 2014 -
10:00 to 12:30
British Council, Naples

Cambridge University Press and British Council Naples invite teachers preparing students to the IELTS test to an informal workshop with with Guy Brook‐Hart, teacher trainer and author of numerous Cambridge English examination materials.


In this workshop we will exchange ideas and knowledge about the IELTS test and suggest strategies which prepare students for the different parts of each paper to ensure they go into the test with the preparation required to achieve the best possible band score. The workshop will be highly interactive to ensure we concentrate on the areas which most interest participants.


Guy Brook‐Hart has taught English in Egypt, Kuwait, France, Britain and for 25 years with the British Council in Spain. As well as extensive experience as a teacher trainer, he is the author of several Cambridge English Official Exam Preparation courses including Complete IELTS, as well as a number of titles relating to the main suite of Cambridge English Language exams, offered by Cambridge University Press.


For further information and to confirm your presence, please contact Cambridge University Press:

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Naples, IELTS, Cambridge English
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Teaching, IELTS, Esami