Wednesday 27 November 2019 -
09:30 to 17:00

Italy and the United Kingdom: Exchanges and Transcultural Influences in Postwar Architecture

The first day of a two-day conference brings together an international range of architectural historians to investigate intellectual and cultural exchanges between British and Italian architects, urbanists and architecture historians in the postwar period. The second day will be held at the Università di Firenze (Thursday 28 November 14.50 – 18.00). Organised by Lorenzo Ciccarelli (Firenze) and Martina Caruso (BSR).

The evening lecture on 27 November will be on Anglo-Italian Relations in Architecture Between Transnational Exchanges and National Narratives by Paolo Scrivano (Politecnico di Milano)
Abstract: What role do national narratives play in the transnational processes of cultural exchange? Do they limit or support the transmission of knowledge? And do national identities facilitate or hamper the circulation of information as well as the establishing of mutual influences between different cultural contexts? The contacts between Italian and British architectural cultures in the postwar years offer the opportunity to explore these questions and advance some possible answers.

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