Workshop with Simon Stephens

photo by: Laila Pozzo - Breakaleg

Saturday 22 June 2019 - 00:00 to Sunday 23 June 2019 - 00:00
Deadline for applications: 30 March 2019

We need stories again. In a time of poverty, we need our storytellers do their work properly. It is only through lightness, fun and anarchy that we can investigate the darkest areas of human existence. So we investigate horror with lightness and play. Simon Stephens

After the success of last year’s workshop, with enthusiastic participants from all over Europe, and of his play "The curious incident of the dog in the night-time", recently viewed by more than 20.000 people at the Elfo Puccini theatre in Milan, Simon Stephens will be back to The Art Land (Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan) for another two-day play-writing workshop.The award-winning British playwright will share his personal and fascinating perspective on writing with exercises and food for thought for group discussions, focusing on stories and the need for irony, surprise and honesty. It is a unique opportunity, for beginners and experienced writers alike, to study with a brilliant and engaging master. 

Place are limited to 15 and the workshop will be held in English.

To apply, please send an email with your artistic CV and a link to a self-presentation video in English. Please write “Simon Stephens Workshop 2019” as a subject line and send your application to: 

The participation fee for the workshop is 200 Euros.

Workshop dates: 22-23 June 2019

Deadline for applications: 30 March 2019

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