Seminar: Telling True Lies: Zadie Smith and the Literary Point of View
This seminar presents Zadie Smith’s most recent novel, Swing Time, and illustrates how she has broken her self-imposed rule against writing in the “I” point of view. It will firstly focus on the risks and rewards writers face when engaging the intimacy of first person and look at passages from Swing Time as well as an earlier novel, On Beauty. It will then go on to map connections between Smith’s works and her self-identified literary influences, charting the change of mind that led her to create a point of view she defines as the “I-who-is-not-me.”
A. Manette Ansay, Professor of English at the University of Miami, is the author of six novels: Vinegar Hill (an Oprah Winfrey Book Club Selection), Sister, River Angel, Midnight Champagne (a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award), Blue Water, and Good Things I Wish You.
The seminars are free of charge
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