Seminar for teachers: Motivating difficult learners
This workshop tackles the problem of children who may be disruptive or non-participative in class.
This workshop tackles the problem of children who may be disruptive or non-participative in class.
Cultural and Creative Enterprises is the subject of ArtLab 2016
A walk in the Botanical Garden of Brera, to see and smell the flowers and plants described by Shakespeare in his works, on the recurrence of the 400th anniversary of his death.
To Be or not to Be è un evento che coinvolge attrici e attori reclusi che interpretano terzine del grande poeta e drammaturgo inglese, oltre a riscriverle in modo proprio.
A marathon reading of the Bard's 154 Sonnets, published in 1609.
A training session to present specific platforms and tools that can be employed in the classroom, and which will demonstrate specific methods for teaching English as a foreign language.
A lecture on the nature of Shakespeare’s ten plays on English kings and their coverage of 400 years of power struggles.
On publication, Frances Trollope‘s best-selling travelogue, Domestic Manners of the Americans (1832), scandalized and entertained both sides of the Atlantic.
A practical presentation to show how lessons can be made according to the three M's
The Seminar will talk about the Globe Theatre and the experience of working in its unique space.