Poetry Reading: "Of Love, Death and the Sea Squirt"
Chris Greenhalgh presenterà una selezione delle sue poesie, con il suo stile unico, divertente e disincantato
Chris Greenhalgh presenterà una selezione delle sue poesie, con il suo stile unico, divertente e disincantato
Charioteer Theatre presenterà al Piccolo una serie di spettacoli dedicata a William Shakespeare, in una chiave assolutamente inusuale
Cheek by Jowl is back to the Piccolo Teatro with another astonishing production: "The Winter's Tale".
Using the arts to teach English enriches the learning experience, encourages active participation and stimulates awareness of cultural heritages.
Milan’s Filodrammatici is staging an Italian version of Philip Ridley’s Radiant Vermin.
This is the first of a series of six lectures designed to provide a background to many of the cultural activities taking place this year to mark the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death.
The worldwide leader in One-to-One MBA events is coming to Milan on February 2, 2016. Now the world’s top business schools are within your reach!
This workshop looks at the techniques, methods and approaches of EFL pronunciation as promoted by experts like Gerald Kelly, Adrian Underhill and Robin Walker, and applies them to course
A chance to take part in an intriguing excursus into matters of food and the English.