SonsOfGod#VOX locandina
SonsOfGod#VOX, Charioteer Theatre ©

Charioteer Theatre

Wednesday 13 April 2016 - 00:00 to Friday 29 April 2016 - 00:00
Timetable of the shows is indicated inside the page

Wordsandsounds: Shakespeare 2.016 is the title of the project by the Charioteer Theatre, the Scottish theatrical company lead by Laura Pasetti, which returns to the Piccolo with a rich programme of shows in English dedicated to William Shakespeare – as well as #SonsOfGod#VOX, they will be presenting The Merry Wives of W(indsor)illiam, Breakfast with Shakespeare, and, exclusively for schools, #SonsOfGod#OUT – on the 400th anniversary of the famous playwright's death.

The work of the company and the director on the themes and forms of Shakespearian theatre has lead them towards the world of Coriolanus, exploring the themes of the play – duty, a sense of civil belonging, the relationship between power and the language of communication – and bringing them into a more familiar context.

In #SonsOfGod#VOX, rap music and social media are the protagonists, alongside Shakespeare, of this adaptation by Jen McGregor, with the supervision of Laura Pasetti, who will lend her voice to the Shakespearian characters using contemporary language.

The play is in English and Italian. The play is recommended for a public from 14 years old upwards

Dates and timetable:
Wednesday 13, Wednesday 27 April and Friday 29 April at 8.30 pm
Thursday 14, Thursday 21, Tuesday 26 and Thursday 28 April at 7.30 pm
For schools: Wednesday 13 April at 3 pm; Thursday 14, Friday 15, Tuesday 26, Wednesday 27, Thursday 28 and Friday 29 April at 10.30 am


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Milan, Shakespeare
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Shakespeare, Shakespeare L-2016