Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in London
Shakespeare's Globe in London
Sabato 10 marzo 2018 -
17:00 a 19:00

Seminar: "False faces and false hearts"

This talk discusses and illustrates with film clips how characters weave deception in a variety of Shakespearian plays, with darker purposes in tragedy, hypocrisy in tragi-comedy and light-hearted confusion in comedy. From Macbeth and Othello to Measure for Measure and Twelfth Night, the artist’s sure hand is always visible. 

Seàn Madden, British Council Milan

Sponsored by APRON STAGE

British Council, Ente accreditato dal MIUR per la formazione del personale della scuola ai sensi della Direttiva 170 del 21/3/2016, articolo 1, comma

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