Lining up with Europe
This seminar takes the form of a round table exploring the innovative text European Literatures in Britain 1815-1832: Romantic Translations.
This seminar takes the form of a round table exploring the innovative text European Literatures in Britain 1815-1832: Romantic Translations.
Vieni a scoprire la vasta gamma di programmi di laurea e post-laurea offerti dal King's College di Londra e scopri tutto sulla vita da studente dentro e fuori del College
A highly interactive and fun seminar that will be looking at a variety of energisers – real life games and activities, that work well throughout the school day
Un evento della serie "Disability and Business opportunity"; una serie creata con l'intento di ispirare e apportare cambiamenti positivi nel business
This session will look at developing speaking skills at B1 and B2.
A collection of essays exploring some aspects of the Bard’s legacy over the centuries.
Un incontro in lingua inglese e a ingresso gratuito, dedicato ai professionisti del settore legale.
Another case of the English thinking big in Tuscany.