Seminar for teachers, Milan: Cambridge CELTA and DELTA
This Saturday seminar is about Cambridge CELTA and DELTA certificates. The Cambridge CELTA Certificate
This Saturday seminar is about Cambridge CELTA and DELTA certificates. The Cambridge CELTA Certificate
Un pomeriggio in inglese dedicato ai bambini.
Un incontro in lingua inglese, dedicato a coloro cha hanno un livello di inglese avanzato, a ingresso gratuito.
Il 9 Maggio vieni alla Finale di FameLab 2015!
The seminar focuses on the ways popular songs can be exploited in the language learning process from enlivening lessons and providing listening material to soliciting historical, social a
A chance to enjoy Virginia Woolf’s elegant prose in the detailed discussion of her book-length essay Three Guineas (1938), published only a year before the outbreak of WWII.
Fun activities for Very Young Learners
CLIL in Primary Schools
A workshop aimed at Primary School Teachers.
Seminar for teachers of English. Free entrance, booking required.