Giovedì 25 ottobre 2018 -
08:15 a 09:00

Un incontro in lingua inglese, dedicato a coloro cha hanno un livello di inglese avanzato, a ingresso gratuito.

Business Breakfast: What does your Body Language reveal about you?

In this session we will look at some world leaders and analyse how their body language shapes public opinion, and in turn think about our own body language and what we can do when ‘all eyes are on us’!

Clare Burke: Clare studied German & Italian at Manchester Metropolitan University, PH Heidelberg and Università della Tuscia. She has taught English for over ten years in the UK, Poland and Italy, where she has specialised in the teaching of Business English. Her experience in various international companies, together with rejecting TV in favour of blogs, vlogs and podcasts, has led to a keen interest into how what we say and how we say it impacts our audience, especially across social media.

Ingresso gratuito con prenotazione obbligatoria.

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