
c British Council

Giovedì 23 febbraio 2017 -
08:15 a 09:00

Un incontro in lingua inglese, dedicato a coloro cha hanno un livello di inglese avanzato, a ingresso gratuito.

Giovedì 23 febbraio, ore 8.15-9.00

presso la nostra sede di Via Manzoni 38, Milano.

Per iniziare al meglio la giornata, facendo colazione e chiacchierando con noi in inglese.

L'appuntamento di febbraio è intitolato: 

 “Getting rid of the experts: New social, cultural and political trends”

This session will look at the growing trend towards eliminating the elite, on a cultural and especially, given recent events in Europe and the US, on a political level.

Karina Negus 

Karina Negus was born and raised in Santa Barbara, California. After completing university studies in international political science and Latin American area studies, she went on to study linguistics in graduate school.

She has been a language trainer and consultant for nearly thirty years, teaching both in the United States, where she taught English as a foreign language at the University of California, Berkeley and Santa Cruz, and at Regents University, Colorado, and in Milan, where she works with universities, professional services firms and companies, providing language and cross-cultural consultancy. Since arriving in Italy, Karina has also turned her knowledge of comparative linguistics to the field of translation. Her translations in the sectors of medicine, law, and the social sciences have been published in academic and professional journals worldwide.

 Ingresso gratuito con prenotazione obbligatoria.


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