seminars for teachers
seminars for teachers
Sabato 14 Maggio 2016 -
09:00 a 13:00

The TESOL Italy Val d’Adige Local Group cordially invites you to the Second Symposium on:

CLIL in the Adige Valley: “Lessons from the Classroom”

with keynote addresses by Lucilla Lopriore and Maria Norton;

moderated by Catherine Riley (UNITN);

in collaboration with the School for International Studies (UNITN);

and hosted by the Centro Linguistico di Ateneo (UNITN).

The second symposium on “CLIL in the Adige Valley” will focus on experiences from the CLIL classroom. In addition to two keynote talks on current trends in CLIL methodologies, the second symposium will invite in-service teachers to share their experiences in CLIL programs.

Specifically, both subject and language teachers at all levels and across all contexts of education will give 10-minute presentations of a specific classroom practice, teaching method, lesson plan, or learning activity which has been successful in their teaching context. These 10-minute presentations will initially be delivered and discussed in expert-led focus groups divided as follows: 1) primary education, 2) secondary education I, 3) secondary education II, and 4) tertiary education.

Common trends and themes that emerge during the focus groups will then be summarized and discussed during a panel-led roundtable discussion.


Saturday - May 14, 2016

9:00 – 13:00

Aula TBD

Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia

Università degli studi di Trento

Via Tommaso Gar, 14


Michael Ennis, Val d’Adige Local Group Coordinator

The event is open to TESOL Italy members. For those who are not TESOL Italy members for the current year, a free, one-time provisional membership card will be issued. Conditions of this card will be explained onsite by the local group coordinator. All participants will receive a certificate of attendance.*

*TESOL Italy (con i suoi gruppi locali) è riconosciuta come ente qualificato alla formazione e all’aggiornamento per insegnanti di lingua inglese nelle scuole di ogni ordine e grado-Autorizzazione MIUR, Direttiva 90/2003